life's getting harder,,

__tuLiSaN taK pEntiNg miLiK oRanG anEh__
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
how does it feel, coming back to ur real world???
definetily, undescribable........

30 days adapt ur self with new-extra-activity
2 weeks then, start to making new-extra-energy
and 3 days next, entering d'new-extra-ordinary life....
after all of that, if someone tell that 2 months could just running, i can say that it wasn't a short time..
trust me... :)

more than thousands words may describe all happened to me
happy things, sad things, tired (dont ask..), somethings new, much things strange, much things crazy....

sometimes we might dont know about how priceful all d'things that we have now
we may discourage it or just let it go
ternyata senang sekali rasanya kembali berada in my ownroom!!!
dengan atmosfer yg tak pernah asing..
buku2 terbuka berantakan dan berserakan di karpet,
vintage songs screams loud from d'speaker (that always "brought" me to home..),
packs of snacks and dirty cups of milk placed on every corner
what a nice scenery!!hehe..
begitu juga dengan di tempat tak asing lainnya...
perpus lantai3..
kali ini rasa kesal saya karena kehabisan buku2 lagi, t'gantikan oleh rasa sngat senang krn bs b'ada di sana lagi......
apalagi saat kembali berada di lecture room......bertemu kmbl dgn teman2 "seperjuangan" ICku....
"feels like home" might be best to represents it...
kembali kuliah lagi....kembali bangun pagi untuk kuliah pagi...kembali masuk lab....kembali ke warnet,find out some references to copy paste to individual report PBL (hoho).....kembali m'buka buku lagi di malam hari in my ownroom...

everything that i lost recently,finally back!
senang sekali bisa kembali ke rutinitas......seems like i had trapped there, and i couldnt get out, and i didnt know anything in outer side, but i felt comfort there.....
even i know what i'm going to get in d'next day is might different (might be totally different),i still comfort there.. i said earlier,undescribable......

seperti yg teman2 IC selalu bilang di awal semester,
welcome back to d'jungle.. :)
posted by _NimbUs_ @ 12:41 PM  
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